How to Report Pollution

The IVAN Tool

IVAN (Identifying Violations Affecting Neighborhoods) is an environmental monitoring system that connects the community with real people that can help solve local environmental problems.


I want to...


How do I report a water spill?

If you see a spill in water, report it by calling 1-800-OILS-911 (Washington Emergency Management Division, 24/7).

You can also use this phone number to report spills to land or air. During regular business hours, you can call the appropriate Ecology regional office.

If you spill

Spills of oil or hazardous materials to water must be reported immediately to help reduce impacts to the environment. Failure to report a spill you're responsible for could result in penalties.

  1. Stop the spill and warn others in the area immediately.

  2. Shut off any ignition sources, including cigarettes.

  3. Contain the spill.

  4. Report the spill immediately to BOTH:

There are no penalties for reporting a spill unnecessarily, but there may be significant penalties for not reporting one.


Clean air is healthy air and healthy air is vital to all of our health and well-being. If you notice an air quality problem in your community please submit a complaint using one of the methods presented.

Puget Sound Clean Air respond s to complaints in To submit a complaint in another county, locate the clean air agency for that county using this map.

Talking to Your neighbor

Many times people are unaware of the effect their behavior is having on their neighbors, so we always suggest talking to them first. We find that in general, neighbor-to-neighbor talks are a helpful way to assist them into changing their behavior and are more effective than regulatory action.

File a Complaint Online

The fastest way to submit an air quality complaint to us is to complete one of the following online complaint forms:

For outdoor fires, visit outdoor burning.


Report an Environmental Issue

Northwest Regional Office

Counties: Island, King, Kitsap, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, and Whatcom

Online: Statewide reporting form
Phone: 206-594-0000