Cafe Con Leche
Episode 1: Lets Talk Superfund
La Voz de la Justicia
Quien es Amigos de Seattle: Amigos de Seattle es una organizacion cual su mission es traer recursos para que la educacion sea opcion para todos.
Por que DRCC ? DRCC tiene varios proyectos basados en comunidad en cual considieron con la mision de DRCC. DRCC tiene un segmento cada miercoles de 10am-11am en cual hablamos de todos los programas y actualicaciones que hay en el valle de duwamish.
Donde nos puedes escuchar? Puese vernos en vivo en Facebook atravez de el enlace abajo.
Science and Environmental Justice Radio Series:
“Our River, Our Community: What’s Science Got to Do with It?”
2/16: A Brief History of the Duwamish River
Host: Maggie Angel/DRCC
Invited Guests:
● James Rasmussen, Superfund Manager DRCC, Duwamish Tribal member
● BJ Cummings, author of The River that Made Seattle: A Human and
Natural History of the Duwamish
3/2: The Lower Duwamish Waterway: Early Actions: What have we achieved and what’s next?
Host: Maggie Angel/DRCC
Invited Guests:
● Elly Hale and Bill Dunbar, Environmental Protection Agency
● James Rasmussen, Superfund Manager, DRCC
3/16: What is Pollution Source Control and what are we doing about it?
Hosts: Edwin Hernandez and Linn Gould/JHA
Invited Guests:
● Kelsey and Jessica , Washington Dept. of Ecology
4/13 Pollution Source Control: Roles and Responsibilities
Hosts: Edwin Hernandez and Linn Gould/JHA Invited Guests:
April 27, 2022 Sediment Pollution Part 1: Fishing the Duwamish River
Host: Maggie Angel
Guests: WA State Dept of Health Emerson Christie
5/25: What’s being done about flooding?
Hosts: Paulina Lopez/DRCC Invited
Guests: Andrew Lee, SPU
6/8 Community questions on source control
Host: Edwin Hernandez and Linn Gould
Guests: Debra Williston/King County and Nate Hart/Seattle Public Utilities
6/15 What is happening with the Duwamish Waterway Park?
Hosts: Paulina Lopez and Christian Poulsen/DRCC
Guest: Linn Gould
6/22 What is the Ecology Cleanup Process and how does it work for Duwamish Waterway Park?
Hosts: Edwin Hernandez and Linn Gould
Guest: Priscilla Tomlinson/ Department of Ecology
7/6 Environmental Justice and Science
Host: Edwin Hernandez & Linn Gould Guest: Grant Gutierrez
This material is funded through a Public Participation Grant from the Washington State Department of Ecology. The content was reviewed for grant consistency but is not necessarily endorsed by the agency.
Este material ha sido financiado por una Subvención de Participación Pública del Departamento de Ecología del Estado de Washington. El contenido de la subvención fue revisado para verificar su coherencia, pero no es necesariamente endosado por la agencia.
Co-sponsored by University of Washington’s Superfund Research Program and Just Health Action
Sharing with Community
3/09 Welcome Kelcey Valdez
Host: Maggie Angel
Invited Guests:
Ruby Vigo, DVYC Coordinator,
Kelcey Valdez, MHS Community Engagement Specialist,
3/23 Maritime High School
Host: Maggie Angel
Invited Guest:
Stephanie Burns-
Tremain Holloway-
Kelcey Valdez-
4/6 El Dia de la Tierra
Host: Maggie Angel
Invited Guest:
Paulina Lopez
5/4 World Asthma Day
Host: Paulina Lopez
Guest: Adrienne Hampton
5/11 Meet Our New Staff
Host: Paulina Lopez
Guest: Jamie Hearn and Christian Poulsen
5/18 Learn about Puget Sound Keepers with Sean Dixon
Host: Paulina Lopez
Guest: Sean Dixon
6/1 Que es la escuela Maritima?
Host: Maggie Angel
Guest: Kelcey V.
6/29 Actualizaciones de DRCC
Host: Maggie Angel